Monday, April 12, 2010


Ok here I go .... I don't have a clue where to start! I am a very private person so this is a giant step for me. Friends have told me it is a good way to express yourself, so, thought I would give it a try. How do you begin to share so many things that are in your head and heart?? Ok ... so I have already started deleting.... maybe I should start by saying that my life is a rollercoaster ... so many ups and downs right now! So, this is a beginning and hopefully I will get back on track real soon!!


  1. See it not so bad or hard. Just remember to use fictious names and abbreviations. It is an outlet. But you can still let your friends read and comment back. Good job. Now add Brandi.

  2. Yes, Yes, add me!!! :) You are off to a good start! Just think of it as a journal. You are not writing to impress anyone, you are writing for yourself. And if you do post something that you decide later you don't want out there, you can delete it. I just try to think of it like I am writing a letter to my mom or grandma. I don't put anything on it that I wouldn't really want them to read, but I am letting them know what is going on in our lives. I have written some to my dad also, he passed away 5 years ago. And the counselors told us all a way to deal with the grief was to write letters to him. So I took that same concept and started this. I love writing, it is a great outlet for me!! I hope you feel as comfortable as we do writing!! Biggest point to remember, You are not doing this to impress anyone!!! :) Just have fun with it! Express yourself the best way you can! Look back through our older ones and see how we started out... not always pretty!! LOL Let me know if you have any questions about anything!
